Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don't Bulk It Up

A lot of authors with try to use big words in their novels. [Who knows...maybe they're trying to impress someone?] But here's a hint: IT RUINS THE FLOW! [Unless you're like some Henry McCormac that case, prodigy on].
Here's a sentence:
I drank from the crystal stream which mollified my throat and hand.
[I stole this from a friend's story].
Can you see something wrong? Look at the word MOLLIFIED. Now, maybe you're the kind of person who throws "mollified" around in the vernacular. However, if you're reading this, then you're not. One of Stephen King's tips from On Writing was to take your current vocabulary and use it. Don't try to bulk it up on steroids to make your writing sound more elegant or something, because when you try to shove random words in there, it's ANYTHING BUT elegant.
Do you see how the flow kind of chops off with "mollified"? It KILLS the sentence. Try to avoid "bulking up sentences." Whatever comes to mind first, write it. Don't spend a lot of time trying to find "the perfect word" or say "emolument when you mean tip" (King 117). Say what you mean; it creates a tighter bond between you and the reader than when you try to bulk it up, because then we all have to grab a dictionary or ignore it, and that's just a wasted word.
And if you have to look something up in the dictionary to use, DON'T USE IT! YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT IT! IT'S JUST BULK!
In case you're wondering, I just coined the term "bulk it up." Pretty handy.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

List of Names

I'm creating a list of names so you don't have to search a million websites to find one that catches your eye. I will be adding them one letter at a time and updating, so when you check, the list will most likely not be finished. Also, the name choices themselves are related to my search for names for a character in my newest story, so they may not be your cup of tea, but I'll try to find some normal-er ones and add them :) A BOYS’ NAMES Aleron, Ascelin, Auberon, Azriel GIRLS’ NAMES Avalon, Amber, Aislinn/Aisling, Antoinette, Amaris, Alvira, Adrienne, Anastasia, Aerin, Autumn B

Extensive Charater Profile

Here's a character profile fill-out that will help to set your character straight :) I got this from an LA teacher, so it's quite reliable! Name: Age: Weight: Height: Birth date: Hair: Eyes: Birthplace: Other facial features/appearance details: Dress (style, colors): Description of home: Dominant character trait: Secondary character trait (opposite of dominant): Best friend: Other friends: Enemy and why: Family: What kind of person is the character around others (name person(s) and interaction): Sees self as: Is seen by others as: Sense of humor: Temper: Basic Nature: Ambitions: Educational background: Work experience: Philosophy of life: Habits: Talents: Hobbies/Past times: Choice of entertainment: What trait will make character come alive: Why is character likeable: Why is character loveable: ***PERSONAL INTERVIEW—CHARACTER ANSWERS IN OWN VOICE*** Occupation: Current home: Marital status: Children: Favorite food: Favorite performer/author/sportsmans etc.: New Year’s resolution: Nobody knows I am: I wish I could stop: I’m a sucker for: The worst part of my life is: I want to teach my children that: A good time for me is: The worst advice my father gave me was: I thought I was grown up when: When I feel sorry for myself, I: Nobody would believe me if they saw me: My friends like me because: My pet peeve is: My major accomplishment: I can die happy when: I’d really rather: My most humbling experience:

How to Say Said [in as many words or less]

Below, I've compiled a helpful list of words that will hopefully lessen the use of the word "said" and add some more creative words to your dialogue tag selection. “ Abjured “ Accused “ Acknowledged “ Added “ Addressed “ Admitted “ Admonished “ Advised “ Advocated “ Affirmed “ Agreed “ Alleged “ Allowed “ Alluded “ Announced “ Answered “ Apologized “ Appealed “ Appeased “ Approved “ Argued “ Articulated “ Asked “ Assented “ Asserted “ Assumed “ Attested “ Averted “ Avouched “ Avowed “ Blubbered “ Blurted “ Blustered “ Boasted “ Boomed “ Bragged “ Breathed “ Broke In “ Brought Forth “ Babbled “ Baited “ Bantered “ Bargained “ Barked “ Bawled “ Began “ Begged “ Believed “ Belittled “ Bellowed “ Condescended “ Confessed “ Contested “ Continued “ Contradicted “ Contributed “ Cooed “ Counseled “ Countered “ Coughed “ Crabbed “ Cackled “ Cajoled “ Calculated “ Called “ Caroled “ Cautioned “ Challenged “ Craved “ Cracked “ Cried “ Criticized “ Croaked “ Cautioned “ Crooned “ Cross-Examined “ Chanted “ Cursed “ Charged “ Chatted “ Chattered “ Cheered “ Chided “ Chipped In “ Chirped “ Choked “ Chortled “ Cited “ Claimed “ Coaxed “ Comforted “ Commanded “ Commented “ Communicated “ Complained “ Conceded “ Concluded “ Concurred “ Confessed “ Confided “ Confirmed “ Consented “ Consoled “ Crowed “ Drawled “ Droned “ Debated “ Decided “ Declared “ Decreed “ Delivered “ Defended “ Demanded “ Demurred “ Denied “ Denounced “ Described “ Determined “ Dictated “ Directed “ Disclaimed “ Discussed “ Disclosed “ Disregarded “ Disrupted “ Divulged “ Echoed “ Elaborated “ Emphasized “ Enjoyed “ Enumerated “ Equivocated “ Estimated “ Enunciated “ Exaggerated “ Exclaimed “ Exhorted “ Expiated “ Explained “ Exploded “ Exposed “ Faltered “ Foretold “ Fumed “ Gagged “ Giggled “ Growled “ Hinted “ Hissed “ Howled “ Inquired “ Interrupted “ Laughed “ Lied “ Mumbled “ Muttered “ Nagged “ Panicked “ Pleaded “ Promised “ Questioned “ Remembered “ Replied “ Requested “ Retorted “ Roared “ Sang “ Screamed “ Screeched “ Shouted “ Shrieked “ Sighed “ Snarled “ Sobbed “ Spit Out “ Threatened “ Wailed “ Warned “ Whimpered “ Whined “ Whispered “ Wondered “ Yelled

Friday, February 1, 2013


Welcome! The whole point of this website is to hone in on your inner writer and improve the writing skills you possess! Hopefully, a lot of great advice will accumulate on this site and will lead to help many writers! If YOU have thoughts, please, let me know / post something yourself! -SK